Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Iterations: Community

Development of community page based on homepage iteratives

Monday, April 03, 2006


Iterations of the design process for the homepage.

Design Concept

This is a design concept for the hive direction. I've decided to go with the hive as it seems to fit the closest to my creative brief and goals.

Some of the emotions I'm trying to express are the layering of community and members. Of how there are multiple levels of participation and ability to project voice. The site should feel dense and full of life.

User Path 1: Limited Time

Erin is extremely busy and doesn't have a lot of time to spend browsing around MoveOn.org. When she gets to the site she glances over the content. She's immediately drawn to the Five Things You Can Do now section. She makes a mental note to check out signing a petition.

She glances at the goals section and begins to feel that this will help direct her passion, and not take away from her limited time. She decides to add the goals section as an RSS feed to her customized google page. She is presented with a short form to become a MoveOn member, so she completes the membership process.

Before she leaves, she clicks on the Sign a Petition link which takes her to the current campaign. Since she's logged in, her information is prepopulated and she submits her petition.

User Path 2: The browser

Mike gets to MoveOn.com and finds that the content speaks to him. It’s not as rhetorical as he thought it would be. He also gets a sense that there is a community of politically active individuals with values similar to his own. He feels inspired to learn more about this new community. He's comfortable setting up a member account, so he decides to join as a member. His boss walks in, and Mike quickly closes his browser.

Mike receives a welcome email from MoveOn. A few days later he clicks on the link to go back to MoveOn. While there he sees the main article and notices another member of the community created it. He’s intrigued because he assumed the site would be about telling the community what to think. He also sees that people have voted up or down for the issue. He clicks on a link to see what the community is discussing.

At the discussion page, he finds a post he's interested in. He wants to find out more about the member who created the post, so he clicks on the member's profile image to see her details. It pops up a small descriptor of her stats and he clicks on the link to see the full user profile.

He goes to the member’s profile page and sees what other issues the member is interested in, he sees what petitions this member has signed, and he also sees local events the other member is either attending or hosting. He clicks on a link to view one of the campaigns this user is supporting.

On the campaign page, Mike skims through the campaign and sees MoveOn is almost at their goal of attaining 500,000 signatures for this petition. He decides to sign the petition to support the campaign.

He’s feeling very excited about the possibilities in this site. He goes back to it at a later time to find out how he can support the site. He downloads pdf flyers and posters, a “moveon.com” badge that he will place on his band’s blog, and decides to donate $5 to the issue opposing stricter FCC laws. He does a search for FCC and is presented with several hits to FCC issues. There’s an RSS link at the bottom of the page. He adds this feed to his google page so he can be updated if new FCC-related issues arise. He finds the issue he was originally interested in and makes his donation.

Creative Concepts

Concept 1 - Lineage

Gandhi, the Civil Rights Movement, tearing down the Berlin Wall, all pivotal moments in the history of social progress. Moveon members see themselves and their actions as a natural progression of the social justice movement. The site will provide a historical sense and lineage in language and tone to frame the current movement through a larger lens. This will give each user a strong sense of purpose and solidarity. The feeling of the site is more romanticized, with more elegant treatment of type and imagery. It will also feel uplifting to the user.
Possible song: “Imagine” by John Lennon

Concept 2 – Action/Activism

A place for extreme political activism. The site will have a strong sense of urgency and motivate members to take action and control of the political agenda. The site will act as a gateway for users to connect and coordinate action. The members of this site are extremely vocal and live their lives in accordance with their political convictions. They have a definite point of view and the site mirrors their stance.
Possible song: “Take the Power Back” by Rage Against the Machine

Concept 3 – The Hive

Members of Moveon have a common goal, and in this common goal a unified community is required. The Hive will act as a voice for the collective community, steering agendas towards the majority rather than to the extremes. It understands the power of online communities and offers state-of-the-art tools to solve the community needs: communication, networking, and mobilization. Viral technologies are key to increasing the strength and reach of the hive. Each member is an integral part of the community. The hive is alive with ideas crisscrossing back and forth between its members.
Possible song: “Christian Brothers” by Elliott Smith